Sunday, March 4, 2012

Kirk Park to Little Pigeon Creek

2012 02 13 We decided on Kirk Park, an Ottawa County Park, located in Grand Haven Township along Lakeshore Avenue about 2 miles south of
M-45.  We are going to walk one mile north along the beach to the mouth of Little Pigeon Creek. 

Lake Michigan

It was 30 degrees with bright sunshine and blue sky.  We were surprised to see an ice shelf built up out into the lake.  There were very few rocks to look at, so we looked at them all. 
 Finding Little Pigeon Creek
 Little Pigeon Meets Lake Michigan
 We had to walk on the ice shelf, at times, but it was over the beach and not over the water really.  We walked what seemed to be a mile, thinking we should be seeing the creek.  Then, all of a sudden there was a huge gash in the ice shelf.  As we walked closer, clear rushing water appeared over a sandy bottom - it was the Little Pigeon. 

We checked out the creek a bit but it's a No Trespassing area, so keep out.  If you could fly, directly east from this spot you would see a two-track drive way, then a pond and marsh, then Lakeshore Avenue where Palomita Reserve (Land Conservancy of West Michigan) is located.

We sat and enjoyed the gorgeous colors of the sky and water, and this is mid February.  We walked south to Kirk Park keeping our eyes on the dark mass of clouds coming toward us across the lake.  Back up the sand dune at Kirk Park, and we are both getting tired.

Clouds heading toward us over Lake Michigan

We went south to Holland stopping briefly at a few parks.  Then thinking maybe coffee would be good we ended up at a used book store, Booked for the Season.  I guess there are 5 of these shops in West Michigan.

We did some research at home, we had walked about 2.5 miles.  Not far but it was some place we had never been before.


  1. Well if its still winter, pics of ice formations are very interesting, i really like where the creek came out to meet the lake;

  2. Beautifull... Leaving Florida tomorrow or Tuesday... Actually been a little to warm for my taste, but love the SUNSHINE!!! Tell Mike to get the kayak ready!!!

  3. flowerdave, Thanks for visiting the blog. Winter seems to come and go a lot this year. Today everything is white again. It's nice. :)

  4. kayak1, We had quite a bit of snow in Michigan yesterday. The roads will probably be clear by the time you reach the north. I'll have Mike get the kayak on standby! Have a safe trip.
