Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Wildflowers in Michigan

March 18 2012  Our unusual Sunday afternoon walk?  My sister Sugar and niece Amy came with Mike and me for this walk.  Well, Amy is young and has good eyes, she spotted all the wildflowers first. 
 Doesn't look like much as we start out down the trail.

   Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica) Purslane family

Blood Root

         Blood Root (Sanguinaria canadensis) Poppy Family

   Purple Cress (Cardamine douglasii) Mustard family

   I'm not sure what these are, puff balls?

    Frog, Leopard Frog?


   Snake, Garter Snake

Leopard Frog


         Purple Dead Nettle (Lamium purpureum) Mint family    

  Persian Speedwell (Veronica persica) Figwort Family

As usual my photos aren't as crisp as I would like, but that's what I get for not having the patience to use an advanced camera, just my good old point and shoot.  I just want the flower to look like what I see with my eyes but not have to fuss with different settings.  If I had a better memory I could just look at the flower then remember it.  I guess I don't have to take pictures at all, I have lots of books with pictures of the flowers already.  Hm...

Needless to say I had fun.


  1. Your pictures are pretty good if you ask me. If you had a more advanced camera, the pictures probably would be as good unless you had a macro lens and a tripod. Point and shoot cameras are so much easier to use for small flowers, I use mine for them.

  2. quietsolopursuits, thanks, your comments are always encouraging. Part of my problem is getting down to the flower then holding the camera still. Best if I sit down instead of bending over, right. I like taking close up shots, I can see so much more on the photo than I do with my eyes, like a
    magnifier, oh like a macro lens. Thanks, again you helped. Now I will go finish reading about your week! :-)

  3. You sure have done it again!! you have found some really neet flowers and I love the frogs. Cant get enough frogs. Pictures taken by yourself are so much more fulfilling then any in a book cause something in that photo will remind you of the moment. they look really great!!! Thanks

  4. Way better than a book, also knowing the pictures are real, not touched up... Also, we know all are taken in our area, unless you say otherwise...

  5. flowerdave, Thanks, the frogs and snakes are almost more fun than the flowers. There is something satisfying about taking pictures of the things I see, with pictures I remember what I saw when I get home, Ha Ha. And you are right the pictures connect to the moment. :)

  6. Kayak 1, Thanks it's true we know these flowers are right here in Michigan (occasionally Texas, when we visit our oldest son, his blog is Here and There in Texas/New Mexico), thanks again and don't forget to call Mike for kayaking, he needs it. :)

  7. I think those are excellent shots. I agree-getting down to their level is the hard part. Or at least, getting back up afterwards is.

  8. wow I love the frog photos! and the snake! but no ID on either on? Also I like the very white flower. It is warmer there today than it is here, one of those weird springtime days. Cold here.

  9. The white flower that has its leaves clasping the stem is Bloodroot(Sanguinaria canadensis.)
    It is called that because the root "bleeds" reddish sap when it is cut.

  10. New Hampshire Gardener, Thanks for the comment. Yes the repeated up and down to take pictures is hard sometimes, especially the next day. Oh and thanks for the info on the Bloodroot, it is still hard to believe they are already blooming.

  11. stratovolcano, Hi sorry no id on the frog or snake. I did this post right after I got back from the walk then I was just putting some polish on it when someone showed up a bit early for Sunday dinner.
    I just checked out the Trans-Pecos Outdoors Guide, I wanted to ask about the "special places" at
    Brokeoff Mountains Wilderness Study Area? Remind me next time I talk to you. Thanks for following my blog.
