Friday, March 16, 2012


2012 03 11 The usual Sunday afternoon walk, just Mike and I, the road is flooded in the park.  We walk around to see if it is shallow enough to walk through, it is.  At a certain corner, last year I saw Persian Speedwell blooming in the lawn, so I always check it out.  Well today they were not only up but blooming!  I know, they are weeds, aliens, but I think they are pretty.  And to grow all on their own, good for them.

There were rocks to look at out on the point.  

The water was down enough to sit on the wood seats. 

Trail was flooded, yup that's the trail.

Road was flooded but easy to walk through.

I'm not sure what this is going to grow into.

The new M-231 overpass on North Cedar Drive, this will connect to a new bridge over the Grand River. 
That's it for this time out.


  1. It's nice to see some flowers. I'm thinking that almost any blog you visit within the next two weeks will have a flower photo on it. And the rocks aren't bad either.

  2. All flowers were just weeds at one time before humans dometicated them, I love a pretty weed like that.

  3. Yes, weeds are beautiful...

    Thanks for the pictures & comments...

    Kayaked twice this week, sorry Mike, you have to retire...

  4. New Hampshire Gardener, I have been checking out blogs from Indiana they have flowers blooming. The rocks are always interesting, always different. Thanks for visiting the blog.

  5. quietsolopursuits, Thank you, I like the fact that they grow on their own, you're right they were all just weeds at one time and they are nice to see. :)

  6. Kayak1, Kayaking without Mike!! He needs a kayak trip, he has been very busy at work, I don't think he would ever retire. Thanks for taking the time to visit the blog. :)
