Monday, May 7, 2012

Howard Christensen Nature Center and Long Lake Park

April 16 2012 Marie chose our destination for the day - Howard Christensen Nature Center 16160 Red Pine Dr NW, Kent City, MI 49330, this is northeast of Kent City Michigan.

               Trail Map

 Overlook Tower

Looking down from the overlook tower

Fringed polygala (Polygala paucifolia) Milkwort family,  has such vivid color.  Mike and I had seen one of these up north just the day before.  First time this year.

 Trees reflected in the hand lens

We also stopped at Long Lake Park, we wandered a bit then Marie spied some miterwort on the other side of the road.  There was this sign on a pole,
so we poked our noses in and found a wonderful wet woods area.

We even found a hepatica blooming  here in northern Kent County.

Probably the last hepatica we will see blooming this year.  It rained a little then bright sunshine to end the day.


  1. Aw, I really like the last Hepatica of the year. They come and go so quickly. You really take good pictures. M:)

  2. im a big fan of the hepatica too, wish they would stay around too, great photos, thanks alot for sharing. you inspire me to go out there and open my eyes. tommorrow we are hiking to a place across the river where we see a large dogwood blooming, hope we can get to it.

  3. Such a great way for me to start the day, great pictures... Thanks...

  4. M :) I guess we like those hepatica so much because we remember them from growing up? They vary in color too, and they are usually purple or blue.
    Thank you!

  5. flowerdave, often I think of not blogging any more, blogger has changed their format (I don't like it and find it hard to use).
    One day my blog had been completely removed!! But then if I inspire you to get out there that's good!
    If it wasn't for my sister Marie I wouldn't get out as much.
    Good luck with the dogwood.
    Have fun! :)

  6. kayak1, thank you - I am glad you enjoy it.
    Time for a kayak adventure with Mike isn't it?
    Of course he worked 'til 8pm last night, suppose to be done at 4. Best part is he works from home.

  7. The two flowers that you found are two that I haven't. I did see hepatica foliage the other day, but no trace of the Polygala paucifolia. More excuses to get out into the woods!

  8. New Hampshire Gardener, hepatica is done for the year here except of course for the new leaves.

    The Fringed Polygala is just getting started, have you seen Fringed Polygala in past years?

    Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. :)

  9. The Howard Christensen Nature center makes a good place to access the North Country trail that runs right along the Rogue River on the other side of Red Pine Rd. I didn't know that Kent County owned land across from Long Lake Park, that's good to know. Thank you for putting up with Blooger and continuing to post!
