Monday, May 10, 2021

More Spring Wildflowers

 Here are some pictures of spring from the last few weeks.

           Large Flowered Trillium at Aman Park

                            Miterwort in my woods

     Bloodroot in my woods

     A nearby swampy area I enjoyed for a few hours.  

     A tree flower ready to open.

We visited Gales Pond County Park and Genevieve Casey Nature Sanctuary in Oceana County Michigan.


We also went to Clear Springs Nature Preserve and Henderson Lake Nature Center.

      Trailing Arbutus

I visited our son, daughter-in-law and family in Texas.  I left April 29th and came home May 4th, things had really changed in those few days.  So much green!
     It was a bumpy ride to Texas but well worth it to play and play with those sweet grandkids! 

When I came home Mike had flowers, and a steak dinner for me.  And a walk at Riverside park in Ottawa County.

      Redbud at Riverside Park!

A perfect Wild Geranium

   Wild Blue Phlox!

                        In our woods I'm just starting to see Squawroot!

I'm sure I missed some flowers and adventures.  Hopefully I can post again soon.  Thanks for stopping by.

There are bugs in the next photo so stop here if you don't want to see bugs.  I thought these mites were very interesting.  


  1. Beautiful! I wish we had miterwort here, it is a beauty.
    I think your tree flowers are sugar maple. They're later than other maples.
    You're so lucky to have squawroot and wild blue phlox!
    Thanks for another look at the trilliums too.
    Happy Spring!

  2. Happy Spring to you! It has been busy here. Two trips to Texas so far this year, one or two walks at a park every day. I have been using my phone for most pictures which I find more difficult to organize them on the desk top computer.
    Starflower, Wild Sarsaparilla, lupine, Pink Lady’s Slipper are all up but not yet blooming. We have had some cold nights and cool days. I have three miterwort plants in my wildflower patch where I dump seeds. I also have 50 Jack in the Pulpit, Marie gave me one or two from her woods several years ago.
    Thanks for the tree flower ID.

  3. Love your new post! All the wildflowers. Large-flowered Trillium, Miterwort, and especially the Bloodroot with its leaves cupped around the white flower and its yellow, paddle-shaped anthers! That tree flower! Leatherleaf. Even the highway overpasses with the road going off in the distance. Still looking into that white violet. I can almost smell the Trailing Arbutus. Your Texas photos are neat. The above-the-clouds shot looks like an impressionistic painting. The Redbud trees, the Wild Geranium, and all the Phlox. What an unusual shot of Squawroot. You made it beautiful. I've never seen legs on a red spider mite before. Thanks for the memories. M :)
