Monday, April 4, 2022

A Walk in the Park

2022 04 04 Hemlock Crossing 

Weaver House at Pine Bend Park.

Marie picked me up for a walk today.  We started at Hemlock Crossing Park and walked all the way to Pine Bend Park.  It was about a 3 1/2-mile walk that took about 2 1/2 hours.  It was pouring rain this morning. It did sprinkle on us a bit but the snow from Saturday was all gone.  We also saw sunshine and blue sky.  It was a nice walk! 
Thanks Marie.


  1. Wow! You posted about yesterday already! I'm glad it cleared up so we could go walk. Skunk Cabbage galore! Bits of new green here and there. No wildflowers, but still lots to see. Trees and fungi and creeks and moss. Just so nice to be outside. Thanks for the memories! M :)

  2. That was a nice walk. It looks like you must have had some wind there with the blowdowns.
    Nice shot of the skunk cabbage. Hopefully you'll see spring beauties soon!

  3. M, why does that walk seem like a week ago? Two days ago? 50 degrees this morning and rain. Those hepatica are coming out any minute! Someone saw them blooming in SW Michigan! Thanks again for the relaxing day Monday. It is almost easier when we know we are not going to see flowers, just walk.

  4. Hi Allen that was a huge tree that came down. It wasn’t down the last time I was there. We noticed the yellow birch had very shallow roots. I sure wouldn’t want to be on the trail when those trees fall. I think we will be seeing those spring flowers soon. We have had a lot of rain, but warmer temperatures.
