Monday, October 30, 2023

Fall 2023 in Michigan

 The fall colors have been very pretty here in Michigan.  Some wildflowers are still blooming.  It is the end of October, I’m still picking tomatoes, peppers, and a few beans from our garden.

Here are some pictures from September and October 2023

Port Sheldon Natural Area  
On the first day of Autumn
Meadow Beauty were mostly done blooming, but we found a few of the unique blossoms.

 Here is a bunch of Meadow Beauty past blooming.    

My daughter not only found the one Bartonia blooming, but she also found this Wood Frog! Do you see the frog?

Several trips to Bass River Recreation Area did not disappoint.  

   Closed Gentian 

Ladies Tresses Orchid October 8th I found 7 orchids still blooming!  Such a treat.

Close up Chicory.


My sister (Sugar) and I have been on a couple bike rides, they were so much fun.  We rode through Terra Verde golf course on the Spoonville bike trail on September 28, 2023. 

Then another ride October 18, from Spring Lake Central Park going east on the North Bank Trail to 130th Avenue and back.  A lovely ride of just over 7 miles.

Mike and I went to Ludington State Park, October 17.  We hiked over 4 miles and had a very nice day, including stopping in Hart for supper.  

Hart Lake in Hart Michigan

Every other night Mike and I walk at Stearns Creek Park.  The leaves have been beautiful with lots of reds, orange, yellow, pink, and green.

On the other evenings, we walk at Connor Bayou.  There is one place where the maple trees dropped their leaves, and it is unbelievable how it gives a warm glow to the whole area.  It really is a sight to see in person.

Happy Wedding Anniversary to us this month, 46 years!  

Mike has recently gone nuts over nuts, walnuts mostly and some Shagbark Hickory nuts.  He wanted me to share a photo of some walnuts we collected recently.  He currently has 300 pounds of walnuts, thanks to my sister and brother-in-law and their walnut tree!

We have been to Crockery Creek Natural Area a few times this month.

October 24, we planned to go kayaking with our daughter.  The day started with heavy rain bursts, then lightning, then sunshine.  We took a chance and kayaked Crockery Creek from the Grand River all the way under the Leonard Road bridge.  It was a perfect day! So relaxing and fun!  

Hofma Preserve 

October 28th, we drove 100 miles north (east) to Silver Creek Pathway, Mike and I hiked over 4 miles.

This is a great loop trail that mostly follows the Pine River and crosses Silver Creek. 

On the drive home we meandered a bit taking a different route and found some beautiful places.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. BEAUTIFUL pictures! Thank you for sharing!
    Happy anniversary! 46 years, amazing. My husband and I just celebrated 11 on October 27th.

    I like black walnuts, but they are a lot of work to crack. We picked-up a bunch of pignut hickory nuts the other day. Our children cracked several, but it is too big of a job for them to finish.

  2. Thank you for the nice comment. We have had a nice long fall color season. Some years it will last a only a week or two before the leaves are off the trees. We have had the whole month of October to enjoy them this year. Autumn is my favorite season. Today we had some snowflakes in the air so that will be the end of fall color.

    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary, I find it hard to believe we have been married 46 years.

    Mike hasn’t cracked any walnuts yet but he has done much research on the subject. Currently they are in our garage, and we live in the woods that are filled with squirrels. I almost expect to find the squirrels have broken into the garage to get to the nuts. Hopefully not.

  3. Happy anniversary Chris!
    That's a lot of produce from an October garden but the orchids and gentians were amazing. I've never seen a white closed gentian. I've also never seen meadow beauty. I'm going to have to look it up!
    I used to have to crack those walnuts for my grandmother a long time ago. I did it with a hammer, which was slow work. I hope Mike finds a better way!
    You saw some beautiful foliage and I'm happy that you were able to get out and see it. I've always thought Michigan was a beautiful state, mostly because of your and Jerry's blogs, and you've proven it again.
    I did see the wood frog. What great camouflage they have though! Enjoy the beauty!

  4. Thank you, Allen. We did have a mild September and October (until October 31, with 10 inches of snow), the gentian and even orchids really held out. We are back into 50 degree weather, many trees mostly oak and beech trees still have lots of leaves.

    White Closed Gentian I have found in two places, one specific place at Bass (an old gravel pit) and once along the Manistee River Trail. Marie and I also saw White Gentian (alba) at Saul Lake Bog, where it could have been planted.

    The Meadow Beauty flower, Marie and I first found in the wilds of Allegan County. Here in Ottawa County we see them at Port Sheldon Natural Area. This area was also mined for sand, and I have my suspicions that these Meadow Beauty were introduced here. Port Sheldon NA is now considered a Coastal Plain (marsh). It does have intermittent ponds, ponds dug for mining.

    Cracking nuts with a hammer, yes we could use some automation here with these walnuts! He has removed the husks and is drying the nuts now. We will see how it goes.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  5. I So enjoyed the photos of Michigan fall this evening. It is so spectacular. I don't miss the winters, but I do miss autumn in western Michigan! Thank you for sharing the pictures. September is a hard month in Texas. It is a summer month here, but my Michigan brain tells me it should be cooling off and starting to shift into autumn.

    1. Mary E. Stephens I’m glad you enjoyed the autumn photos. Autumn is my favorite time of year. So far this September has been hot and dry, almost 90 degrees today. We have a son and his family who live in Midland Texas, 100 degree days are pretty normal for them even in September. Have a great autumn.

  6. Oh, and the nuts remind me of something that happened to my Gramma. She lived on Gull Lake near Richland, and she had collected a paper bag of black walnuts. She set them on the floor in her enclosed porch meaning to shell them later. When she went back to get them the bag was empty or mostly empty. A squirrel had chewed a hole through her porch floor, the thin carpet, and the bag to get to the nuts and carry them away! She was so disgusted, but it was also funny. :-)

    1. That is a great story about your Gramma, I was worried that the squirrels would get into our garage to get the walnuts. So far so good.
