Saturday, November 12, 2011

Cabin Adventure - Day 2

Friday morning, second day of our trip and our 34th wedding anniversary, we took a hike on the Manistee River trail.  But before we left and after a hearty breakfast, we took Tilly out for a walk since she would be staying at the cabin while we went for the longer hike.  Last year we took her on a 10 mile walk, it is just too much for her 14 year old body.
                      Sunrise at the cabin
There was frost over night, probably the first frost of the season.  The car was frosty and the dry brown ferns had a coat of white.  Below is a picture of moss so pretty with little ice crystals on them.

We decided on starting our hike at Red Bridge on Coates Highway, this is the south end of the Manistee River Trail.

There is a parking area just east of the bridge on the south side of the road, to access the trail you cross the road (Coates Highway) then follow the trail along the road about 1/4 mile to trailhead.

OK good now we get on the trail and head north(ish), before long you are high above the river and have a great vista of the river valley below.
Many trees had a hazy smoke look to them, they must have already dropped their leaves.

Many signs have been updated in several of the US forest lands.  And this boardwalk has been replaced, it was pretty wet walking through here before.

Cool tree

We walked as far as Cedar Creek, it was a beautiful day with perfect weather.  And we hadn't seen one other person on the trail.  We had it all to ourselves!

If I remember right we were out for about 4 hours total, we weren't walking fast and we stopped several times to take in the view.  From the parking area on Coates Highway to Cedar Creek is ~3 1/2 miles, so we walked 7 miles, not counting going up and down the hills!  Perfect.
We drove to Wellston and checked out some stores, then drove to Irons for a good fish dinner at the Oak Grove Tavern.  The place looks a bit scary from the outside, but the food was good.  I would go there again.
Back to the cabin we went, Tilly was glad to see us and we walked her to the creek for a swim (her not us).  A serene evening up to about 8:30 when the owner of the cabin, Fern Dog, showed up along with two other people and 5 dogs.  Well it is a big cabin.


  1. Beautiful!!! Red Bridge is where Mike, George & I kayaked to, in 2008, so the trail you walked, did you go upstream or head down stream from the bridge???

  2. Thanks, kayak1! Wow that was back in 2008, I would have guessed it
    was just last year!
    We went with Uncle George and Aunt Edna to the cabin in 2008! Mike and George kayaked the Manistee, Edna and I went shopping, I can't believe that was three years ago.
    From Red Bridge (it's not red? why is it called Red Bridge) we walked upstream toward Hodenpyl Dam.
    Next time maybe you guys should paddle downstream starting at Red Bridge? It would probably be much slower, right? Well next year. :)

  3. I kept saying Wow! Your pictures are that good. I liked your labels, too.
    Why is it called Red Bridge? The USDA Forest Service web site said, "The name comes from an old wooden and steel bridge, painted red, that was located at the site. Now there is a modern cement structure." Now you know!
    M :)

  4. Marie, Thanks for doing the research on Red bridge, yes now I know indeed!
    Sometimes that Internet comes in handy. Glad you liked the pictures, let's go the Manistee River Trail next, OK? :)

  5. I like the labelled photo, it almost looks like a MAP. Neat pics, some pretty significant topography. It's so Michigan. Miss it... it will be 80 here later this week. The trees are so pretty there with that hazy look. It will be good to see the ole Till-dog. Too bad Anna isn't coming along this time.

  6. Looks like some fancy anniversary dinner eats! Love the photos of the trees- so pretty! All the colors are gone now. :(
