Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cabin Adventure - Day 3

The last day of our outing we did the usually morning things, shower, dress, breakfast, walk the dog, then packed up for the ride home.  We decided to take the Six Mile bridge way home.  Back to the Michigan County Atlas book, I see just SW of the bridge is a place called Links Pond, I have no idea what this thing is so we checked it out. 
Little Manistee River at Six Mile bridge

After stopping briefly at Six Mile bridge and walking along the shore  in a fruitless search of dead Bottle Gentian, we got back in the car, crossing the bridge (south) then turning right (west) on Old Stronach Road, the road marked Weir. 
One and a half miles down the road we came to a sign, Links Pond, OK.
There is a good two-track through the woods, 1/4 mile to an area to park.  We got Tilly out of the car and started to walk.  This is a cool and curious place.  There are lots of marshy areas and ponds, also the Little Manistee River.  We find lots of cedar trees, probably a great place for wildflowers earlier in the year.  But what was this place?  There is a small dam with a footbridge.
 We saw several numbered posts along the path.  I could contact the ranger station in Manistee, they must know what this was used for.  Maybe it is an old weir.  More research is needed. 
This sign was at Links Pond, hm...Michigan Wildlife Habitat Foundation.  It helps to take pictures of signs then I don't have to write this info down.  Links Pond is a cool place, I definitely want to go back there.
 Little Manistee River at Links Pond, notice the Larch turned yellow soon to lose its needles.

Mike, Tilly, and I walked ~one mile around the big pond and off into the woods, we crossed a small stream, but turned back not having a map and not quite sure where we were going. 

Back in the car and continuing west, less than a mile down the road, we came to the weir.

We ended up driving to Old Stronach Bridge.

There was a paved parking area here with a picnic table and grill, maybe a port-a-potty.  The bridge, I think, was recently redone as was the little park area. 

Now we went north over the bridge and turned east to get on Little River Road.  We are on the north side of the Little Manistee.  There is an overlook marked on the map, we got out to look.  It was a steep drop to the river, lots of beautiful trees blocked the overlook view.  
We traveled on until we again crossed Six Mile bridge then drove on to stop in at Hoag's Lake.
Hoag's Lake
After this we jumped on US 31 getting off in Hart for La Fiesta.
Crossing the bridge over Hart Lake in Hart Michigan.
The rest of the way home, the sky was full of wonderful clouds.  We got home and again it seemed like we had been away a week instead of 50 hours! 
It is always good to be home. 


  1. just think if you had a plane you could go up and play in those clouds! I almost bought a plane today. I called to get instructions on sending down payment and salesguy told me someone had put in a contract 10 minutes earlier.

  2. Neat! You almost bought a plane! How long before you can fly here? Are the clouds bumpy when you fly through them?

  3. Hi from Hawaii!!!
    So far our trip is great, you would love all the neat plants we've seen...
    Love the pics from day 3...
    so far i've taken 647 pics...

  4. Hey kayak1 in Hawaii! I bet you are seeing lots of amazing plants. Lucky you.
    Are you kayaking while you are there?
    We have family visiting for the Thanksgiving holiday so I haven't had much time to blog.
    Hope you have a fun time.

  5. Going kayaking today, our son knows where a pod of dolphins hang out, so will paddle out and try for some pictures of us with them... Looks like weather in GH will be warm enough, Mike & George going??? We should be home Wednesday morning... Hope you can get over here someday, the plants are amazing...
