Saturday, June 16, 2012


Owasippe Scout Reservation,  America's oldest Boy Scout camp in continuous operation.  Located on Russell Road, Twin Lake, Michigan.  This was our destination for the day.  

Years ago, Mike, the kids, and I rode our mountain bikes around Owasippe.  I remember Owasippe as rich woods with many lakes, scary bridges, hilly, a very unique place. 

Owasippe is currently closed to the public but will reopen August 18th.  There is a fee and you need to register before you hike or bike here.  These are pictures from the day Marie and I spent there on the last day of May.

A trail filled with Wild Columbine.

            "Quaking Bog" and it did quake!


 Scary bridge, I just closed my eyes as I crossed it.

Partridgeberry  (Mitchella repens)

This Orange Hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum) was just starting to open and was more red than orange.


          Frostweed (Helianthemum canadense) Rockrose Family

Along a trail at Owasippie, another fun adventure.


  1. Other than the partridgeberry and Iris, I haven't seen any of those flowers here. It's a good thing I read your blog-at least I can see them here.

  2. I have been meaning to go there after everything I've read about the place. Thanks for the preview!

    My understanding is that it is closed for a short time while they reconfigure some of the trails to lessen errosion.

  3. quietsolopursuits,
    I think Owasippie closes to the public while the scouts have camp in the summer, and yes, they are reconfiguring some trails to lessen errosion.
    I would like to get back to that quaking bog, we were on it and didn't realize it, it just looked like a dry field. One of us bent down to look at something and the whole field, shrubs and all wiggled!
    It is very quiet in the off season, I think you would enjoy it.
    Thanks for visiting. :)

  4. Hi Allen, I see Frostweed blooms in the southern half of New Hampshire, that's according to the field guide I have. Maybe you are farther north.
    The little blue flowers along the water, Forget-Me-Not, they have a lovely blue-purple color.
    Orange Hawkweed, that has an explosion of color, so vivid.
    I really thought we would find a rare orchid near the quaking bog, but we didn't.
    Glad you got to see some new wildflowers here. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Oh, that was fun! Frostweed and Larch and the Iris. All the Wild Columbine. I know the quaking bog scared us silly but we should have explored it more. The bridges were scary, too, but you closed your eyes?! You know, we saw red, white, and blue - Orange Hawkweed, Partridgeberry, and Forget-me-not. And we heard Ruffed Grouse drumming on logs! Thanks for posting.
    M :)

  6. It was fun to ride at Owasippe. But I never really saw any plants or animals. I may have run some over, but I'm not sure. It would be fun to go back and walk there.

  7. We might be too far north for frostweed, but we are quite close to the Massachusetts state line. I've seen forget me nots this year, but I don't remember seeing that one. So far all we have here is yellow hawkweed-it's everywhere you look-but no orange. Either that or I'm so color blind the orange looks yellow! Good luck with the orchid hunt-I'm doing the same.

  8. LOL @ stratovolcano

  9. a quaking bog sounds like something i would like to experience , maybe in the fall when the scouts are done, who knows maybe since i'm an eagle scout they would let me get back there. thanks for posting
