Thursday, October 4, 2012

Michigan Fall Colors

2012 September 27,28,29,30
A trip to the cabin in Manistee County Michigan.  We walked the Manistee River Trail from Red Bridge to Cedar Creek and back again.  The Fall colors had a good start.  Many trees still had lots of green leaves which made a nice contrast with the reds, yellows, oranges.  It was beautiful.

We thought this was a soccer ball but turned out to be a puffball.

We stopped in at Link's Pond near the weir on the Little Manistee River.  This is a cool place.  And we saw a Harebell.

So the Fall colors are only going to get better, if you can, take a road trip and enjoy Michigan.


  1. Ah, it's great to see your photos again!
    Thanks for sharing. M :)

  2. Marie, Wish you had been with for that trip, now I just have 4 months of adventures to catch up on.


  3. Yeah!!!! Nice pics!! what a giant puffball never have seen one that big before. the reflections picture is outstanding. Thanks for posting.

  4. Thanks so much Dave. Do you have much fall color over there in Holly?
    I think I might turn that reflection pic upside down, just for the fun of it, see how it looks!

  5. Yes, The colors are beautiful this year. maples are brilliant. gonna go into the woods tomorrow to tag off some sugar maples to tap next year, i want to try to make some syrup. something that i have wanted to do since i was a kid.

  6. Welcome back-I've missed your blog. I've never seen a giant puffball-that one is huge!

  7. Thanks Allen, the puff ball really looked like a soccer ball and it had a deer hoof print on the top of it.
    I am not sure how to catch up on 4 months of not posting. Maybe just let it go.
