Saturday, April 30, 2022

Dowagiac Woods Nature Sanctuary

 Monday April 25 2022

Dowagiac Woods Nature Sanctuary in southwest Michigan ~ 85 miles south from my home.  Spring is said to travel north about 100 miles per week, so Spring comes earlier to Dowagiac Woods than Grand Haven.

It was a mostly cloudy day with a few sprinkles of rain and the temperature was in the low 50’s.  It has been a cooler Spring than most years, and some plants have been a bit slower too.

Here is some of what Marie and I saw on our 1 mile walk that  took us 4 hours just because there is so much to see at Dowagiac Woods.

                                           Double Hepatica on one stem

It was a wonderful day! 


  1. Absolutely beautiful! I've been waiting such a long time to see these pretty flowers. Thanks for posting them.

  2. You are welcome Mary Jo, my amazing sister who grows orchids and other wonderful plants.
    I wish you could visit the second week of May to see the hundreds of trillium at Aman Park!
    I’ll try to get there and take lots of pictures!

  3. As soon as I saw where you went I got excited! You found some beautiful flowers. I was surprised by the dwarf ginseng. Ours won't show for probably two weeks unless we see a real warm up. Our blue cohosh has just come up too, so you're ahead of us.
    You're so lucky to have areas like that set aside that are filled with so many beautiful flowers. I can't wait to see Aman Park!

  4. We get excited too seeing what is blooming at Dowagiac Woods. Even though we saw many different plants, some of them were not blooming openly, for example Trout Lily. Others don’t seem to mind the cool and cloudy day, like Marsh Marigold. They were like bits of bright sunshine!
    Hopefully next week or so I’ll get to Aman Park to see the hundreds of trillium!

  5. Very cool, looks like a great walk!

  6. Thanks Chuck, it was a fun adventure! Your sister is fun! Well all 4 of your sisters are fun, right!
    Soon hopefully it will be a blog about a bike ride with Sugar!

  7. Perfect day. So many wildflowers. We sound slow but there is so much to see and appreciate. Why hurry? The photo of the reflection of the trees is endless. Thanks for all the bending down you do to get the perfect picture! M :)

  8. I enjoyed seeing your pictures. It looks like you had a beautiful walk. My favorite picture is the one of the trees in the reflection. It is creative and it took me a second to figure it out.

  9. Yes. Perfect day. I am enjoying the cooler weather. I did take a picture of just the ground, I was going to count how many different plants I could find. The ground is covered with plants at Dowagiac Woods and remembering all the plants names takes time. We are definitely not in a hurry. Thanks for taking me!

  10. Sister in the Midwest. I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures. I probably should put captions under the pictures, like on the reflection of trees in the water. I hope your weather has been good and you have been able to get outside.

  11. Thanks for sharing you lovely photos. :-) They are so lovely.

  12. Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed them!
