The fall colors have been very pretty here in Michigan. Some wildflowers are still blooming. It is the end of October, I’m still picking tomatoes, peppers, and a few beans from our garden.
Here are some pictures from September and October 2023
Port Sheldon Natural AreaHere is a bunch of Meadow Beauty past blooming.

My daughter not only found the one Bartonia blooming, but she also found this Wood Frog! Do you see the frog?
Closed Gentian
On the other evenings, we walk at Connor Bayou. There is one place where the maple trees dropped their leaves, and it is unbelievable how it gives a warm glow to the whole area. It really is a sight to see in person.
Happy Wedding Anniversary to us this month, 46 years!
Mike has recently gone nuts over nuts, walnuts mostly and some Shagbark Hickory nuts. He wanted me to share a photo of some walnuts we collected recently. He currently has 300 pounds of walnuts, thanks to my sister and brother-in-law and their walnut tree!
October 24, we planned to go kayaking with our daughter. The day started with heavy rain bursts, then lightning, then sunshine. We took a chance and kayaked Crockery Creek from the Grand River all the way under the Leonard Road bridge. It was a perfect day! So relaxing and fun!
October 28th, we drove 100 miles north (east) to Silver Creek Pathway, Mike and I hiked over 4 miles.
This is a great loop trail that mostly follows the Pine River and crosses Silver Creek.
On the drive home we meandered a bit taking a different route and found some beautiful places.